Safeguarding children in schools

Dear colleague


DfE has asked us to share their call for evidence (See below), which is specifically looking for responses from school support staff (this will be advertised in the DfE’s sector email shortly) as they are keen to obtain responses from safeguarding professionals who have a specific interest in safeguarding children in education.


The Call for Evidence will be open for responses until 20 June.   


Take part in our ‘Safeguarding Children in Schools and Colleges - a Call for Evidence’


A 12-week ‘Safeguarding Children in Schools and Colleges’ call for evidence launched on 28 March 2024. This invites staff in schools and colleges, and other safeguarding professionals, to share their views and current good practice in their settings to inform the content of Keeping children safe in education (KCSIE) and help shape future safeguarding children in schools and colleges policies. We seek your views on:

  • The role of designated safeguarding leads
  • The recording, retention and sharing of child safeguarding information
  • Safer staff recruitment
  • Filtering and monitoring systems
  • Supporting children following reports of sexual violence and harassment
  • Protecting children in boarding schools and residential special schools
  • Quality assuring safeguarding
  • Children bringing their own devices to schools
  • Artificial intelligence

To share your views please access here: Safeguarding children in schools and colleges - GOV.UK (


Published: 9th April 2024